One of the challenges to achieving full liberalization…
One of the challenges to achieving full liberalization in the energy sector is the choice of mechanism for integration of renewable energies in the electricity market in the country. With the latest amendments to the Law on Renewable Energy (ZEVI) dated July 24th 2015, it was introduced a legal definition of net specific production of electricity to the amount of which is purchased quantity of electricity at feed-in tariff, determined by EWRC. This forced the green plants producing more than provided in Decision № СП-1 dated July 31th 2015 of EWRC “net specific production” to sell the surplus on the free market or it can be purchased at surplus prices by the Electricity System Operator (ESO). As the price for surplus offered by ESO, is extremely low, RES producers took the opportunity to sell on the market at freely negotiated prices. After the changes introduced during the last months of the year, the first renewable energy producers came to the free market.
In this connection Long Man broadened the scope of its activities and is now offering to its customers a package of activities carried out in case the wind power plant reaches the net of specific production determined by EWRC. The company is establishing contacts with retailers of electricity and balancing group coordinators to agree the sale of electricity and calculating the expected levels of expenditures for balancing. It is analyzing the limitations and opportunities of various proposals in terms of the time of reaching the net specific production, conducting the process of changing the balancing group coordinator and signing a contract with the electricity retailer. Going to the free market is related to the necessity of daily forecasting of electricity production. In this connection Long Man OOD provides a company specialized in forecasting the production of electricity from wind power plants, analyzing of monthly forecasts and actual energy production in order to optimize the calculated imbalances.