New 12,6MW in the commercial portfolio of Long Man
Since April 2016, Long Man has included new 12,6MW to its portfolio of installed capacity, which manages commercially and thereby increased the total capacity of managed wind parks in Bulgaria to 50MW. Located outside Bulgaria, the company owner of the wind park fully trusted Long Man team and assigned the overall commercial management of the wind park, which includes the full range of activities necessary to be performed monthly allowing the park to achieve maximum financial efficiency.
Long Man was authorized to represent the wind park owner in front of the electricity distribution company in Bulgaria with which it has commercial relations, to track and monitors the contracts and documentation with respect to the activity, the streams of information to be submitted to the Fund “Security of electricity system”, to provide guarantees of origin from SEDA for electricity produced. As well as for its other clients, Long Man will propose solutions when reaching “net specific production” of the wind park and those related to balancing market- consultations, negotiations, contracts with electricity traders and balancing group coordinators. As a commitment were assigned activities related to insurance, communication and security of the wind park. For the period of its operation, the contract provides legal advice and assistance in every aspect of the operation of the wind park.